Autism Signs to Watch For

According to numerous medical sources, Autism is a neural development disorder which is typically characterized by the impairment of social communication and interaction as well as repetitive or restrictive behavior. Typically, the signs that Autism is present occur between the ages of 18 months and three years. Although Autism's genetics are extremely complex, it displays a strong basis in genetics.

The disorder affects the information processing capabilities of the brain by altering or changing how the synapses of nerve cells connect and then organize themselves. However, it is not completely understood how and why this occurs. There are two other forms of Autism that are recognized in the spectrum of the condition, namely Asperger syndrome and PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified).

Autism signs that are characteristic of the disorder

Autistic children typically have difficulties in three critical areas of their development - behavioral, lingual, and social. Interestingly enough, two children with similar diagnoses may display different actions and different skill levels. Here is a breakdown of the three developmental areas that are Autism signs to be aware of:

Behavioral warning signs include:

o constant movement and never keeping still
o constant repetitive movements such as hand-flapping, rocking, and spinning
o despite being almost oblivious to pain, there is an unusual sensitivity to light, sound, and touch
o parts of an object, such as a toy car's spinning wheels, fascinate them and hold their attention for long periods of time
o specific rituals or routines are developed early on
o the slightest change in common routines or rituals disturbs them

Lingual warning signs include:

o beginning to talk later than 2 years of age while other developmental issues are delayed by up to 2½ years
o cannot start conversing or keep a conversation going
o does not make eye contact whenever the child is making requests
o loss of previously acquired abilities to say words or speak in complete sentences
o repetition of phrases of words verbatim without understanding how they are used
o speaking with an abnormal rhythm or tone and may use robot-like speech or a sing-song type of voice

Social warning signs include:

o appearing unaware of another child's or individual's feelings
o appears that they sometimes do not hear you or are ignoring you
o failure to respond to their names
o poor eye contact or the total lack thereof
o resistance to any type of cuddling and holding
o retreating or withdrawing into their "own world" while preferring to play alone

Though every autistic child may have their own unique style of behavior, the Autism signs listed above are the most common ones that you should look for if you fear that your child has the disorder. However, for the most part, severe Autism in children is characterized by a total inability to communicate and/or interact with other individuals. Some signs appear early on in infancy while in other cases, the child appears totally normal in the first few months of their lives and then change suddenly.

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