Learn How to Cope With Autism Symptoms

This article will define in detail, the now widely observed disease autism. To cure any disease, you need to know in the first place what it is. Hence this article will begin by defining what is autism? Autism is a disorder, of the neurons and is identified by deteriorating and impaired communication skills and interaction in the social environment. People suffering from autism show repetitive behavior that restricts their ability to learn new behavioral characteristics. The signs of autism can start showing as early as three years old, so autism is not a disease of the elderly or of the infants since it can develop even in the earliest or the latest stages of life. How does this particular neural disease develop? Autism is caused by dysfunctional information gathering, processing and organizing of information by synapses and nerve cells in the brain. In medical terms there are three types of autism disorders that fall under the spectrum of autistic diseases. These include autism, Asperger syndrome and lastly pervasive development disorder. In the Asperger syndrome, the patient shows stunted cognitive and language development and the Pervasive development disorder is diagnosed when the signs and symptoms of autism and Asperger are not met.

The basis of autism isn't clear, however, it is mostly considered to be a disease of the genes. Some believe that it is caused by rare mutations while others believe it to be a cause of irregular combinations of genetic variants. In other conditions, autism is also caused by birth defects. Coming onto the signs of autism, there are numerous characteristics which depict this particular neural disease. These include stunted social development, communication problems, repetitive and restricted behavior, prohibited motor skills and odd eating behaviors.

Now before providing treatment for autism and diagnosis, any particular disease needs to be screened first. In the case of autism, most people notice odd behavior as early as 16 months to 24 months. There are certain signs that can be most commonly used to diagnose this particular problem. These include the inability to speak or babble up till twelve months, no pointing or motor skills up till twelve months, no language usage and loss of communication and language skills. There are numerous checklists present to further help screen this particular disease which include Checklist for Autism, First Year Inventory and Early screening of Autism. These different checklists are used for prognosis and screening, where different variables are checked and tested against a patient.

Now coming on to the prognosis and treatment of autism, talking about a full-recovery treatment, there is no such thing. So autism cannot be cured permanently since it is a disease of the neurons; medical specialists seldom finds cures to diseases related to the brain. Recovery has said to happen itself, in rare cases as developments are seen as the child grows up and is given special attention regarding development of motor and language skills. Furthermore, such children are usually provided special social interaction training where they are made to feel more comfortable in external environment. Intensive help and care can aid a child to cope up with this particular neural disease.

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