Most individuals tend to focus on Autism as the most severe disorder of all the Autism Spectrum disorders. It is typically triggered by dysfunctional neurological issues that oftentimes lead to dramatic and highly irreversible damage in behaviors, communication skills, physical development, and social interaction. The average age at which the disorder becomes detectable is three years old.
Despite the seriousness of the disorder, there are milder symptoms of Autism which are referred to as Asperger's Syndrome. Additionally, children suffering with Asperger's Syndrome usually have average to above-average IQ's. The following is information on the six most common yet milder symptoms of Autism:
Emotional concerns - individuals who suffer with milder Autism may oftentimes exhibit mood swings, even at an early stage in their lives. This is displayed when they get easily agitated because someone disrupts their "normal" routine.
Motor skill impairment - poor motor skills are usually a sign of mild Autism as well as the more severe cases. For instance, it may be difficult for them to catch a ball or there may be delays in learning handwriting skills.
Social skill impairment - another one of the skills that is usually impaired when a person exhibits the milder symptoms of Autism involves conversational difficulties, specifically starting and continuing a conversation with another individual. Additionally, the person finds it difficult to maintain eye contact with that person they are conversing with.
Obsessiveness - it is not uncommon for any child to focus on a single hobby or toy. However, when they are suffering with milder symptoms of Autism, they will not want to have anything to do with objects or toys that do not center around that favorite hobby or toy. They may talk incessantly about their obsession with that hobby or toy as well.
Repetition in speech - children with milder symptoms of Autism oftentimes repeat what they have heard from a book or on TV as well as what another person may have said to them. In many cases, this is due to the fact that the child's memorization skills are above-average compared to normal children.
Sensory issues - some children may also be suffering with sensory issue impairment. Certain things may aggravate or bother them such as bright lights, noises that are louder than normal, and the textures of certain foods.
As was mentioned above, the symptoms of Autism are usually spotted in the earlier years of a child's life. Although individuals suffering with the disorder do not always appear to be different from other individuals, their abnormalities are usually revealed in the way that they communicate, interact socially, and learn.
Finally, another aspect is that individuals who are suffering with Autism will share some common characteristics of the disorder. However, it is wrong to generalize these symptoms of Autism because of the fact that no two individuals, even those with Autism, are ever alike. Just like normal individuals, people with autism will develop distinctly unique personalities and will have different ways in which they relate to and understand the ways of the world.
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