How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Your Special Needs Child Effortlessly

I interviewed Joshua Pittman on how to effortlessly reduce the stress/anxiety in your special needs child. He touches on how one technique can improve attention, reduce stress, anxiety, and impulsive behavior.

1. Please introduce yourself?

My name is Joshua Pittman. I was born and raised here in NYC. I went to film school at NYU and worked at a film post-production company for five years before learning how to teach the TM technique. I learned the TM technique as a teenager in high school. I saw my mom and step-dad meditating at home and liked the silent atmosphere that it seemed to create. I wished my friends in school did it too.

2. Where do you currently work?

I am one of the directors of the TM program in Manhattan.

3. What is your expertise?

I teach people how to effortlessly transcend the surface outer field of life and experience their silent Self within.

4. How can TM help students with special needs?

As a society we are always on the go. We never take a moment to experience who we really are - to smell the roses. We are therefore always looking for solutions to our problems on the surface, and therefore never really find the root of our problems. All problems and suffering are caused by a lack of experience of the Self. Having this experience wakes up the brain, and makes one more coherent, more aware, and more resilient to the stresses in life. It is not mood making or wishful thinking, it is a powerful and practical solution.

5. Is it easy for students with special needs to implement in their daily lives?

It is easy and doesn't take long to add this simple procedure of TM to one's daily routine, and the benefits are wide reaching. Students meditate for 10-15 minutes twice a day. Parents who meditate will benefit as well. Adults meditate for 20 minutes twice a day to release stress and create more happiness and peace in their life.

6. What age do you recommend children start learning this technique?

TM is effortless and enjoyable so ten-year-old children learn the same sitting down, eyes closed meditation that adults learn. Children under ten can learn a children's technique if their parents have already learned TM.

7. Where can parents go to learn more about TM?

There are some wonderful videos, and stories on

Stephen DeSerio can be found on (free 30 minute evaluation). This site is designed for parents/caregivers who need assistance in raising their child with autism and other behavioral concerns.

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